Painting Wearable Artworks

Watercolors are recommended as they're often eco-friendly, sink into the wood, and don't block any fine detailing, though most mediums work well, including metallic, UV paint, markers, pencils, etc.

Check out The Gallery with over 650 design templates to choose from.

Art Pack Included:

All paintable purchases come with a detail brush, a bottle of Eco-Friendly Natural Varnish (within Australia), and a random poetry keychain, all for FREE.

All First Buyers will also get an extra unvarnished Necklace- FREE. To take pressure off with a practice Paint-Job, to encourage you to give creativity a go, and to incentivize gift giving via excess, as times are tough, and every friendship circle can be bigger.

How it all Began

A narrated video of painting a Necklace with watercolors, with a design by the Artist: Abzu

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